Taste Taiwan

Taste Taiwan ⋆

基隆的生態廚師張正忠,以善於利用台灣當地元素進行創新烹飪設計而聞名。 他熱衷於改造傳統的台灣美食,製作出融合正宗風味和創意的創意菜餚。 他的烹飪方法強調使用當地食材,將食客與台灣豐富多樣的烹飪傳統聯繫起來。

Ken Zhang, the ecological chef in Keelung, is known for his expertise in utilizing local Taiwanese elements for innovative culinary designs. With a passion for transforming traditional Taiwanese cuisine, he crafts creative dishes that showcase a blend of authentic flavors and inventive twists. His culinary approach emphasizes the use of locally sourced ingredients, connecting the diners with the rich and diverse culinary heritage of Taiwan.

薯條|港口蝦粉特調 $180

French fries | Dehydrated Shrimp

1人份 / 1 Serving

烤櫛瓜|沖繩生命之塩 $180

Nuchi-masu Baked Courgette

1人份 / 1 Serving

拼盤|伊比利火腿・起司 $350

Meat platter|Jamón ibérico|Cheese


One of the world's three great hams, the Rolls-Royce of the ham world.

1人份 / 1 Serving