Drinks ⋆
義式咖啡 /espresso
深焙 Dark roast
水洗和自然 Washed and Natural.
Brazil, Peru.
Licorice, walnut, rosemary, chrysanthemum tea, cocoa -
Herbaceous woody, bittersweet aftertaste -
微酸 Mild acidity
好物認同 Appreciation for quality goods
台茶 / Taiwanese tea
The Blue Magpie Tea team promotes Taiwan Blue Magpie Tea in Pinglin through year-long fixed tea garden contracts, starting from family agriculture. They organize individual tea farmers from the watershed recovery area to become a local brand. Through pesticide-free watershed planning and cooperative farming, the villagers of Pinglin become guardians of the mountain community. The watershed without pesticides is the habitat of all things in ecology, and your support is needed for ecological village initiatives.
A unique tea variety found in northern Taiwan, characterized by its long, strip-like appearance and the refreshing aroma of its tea soup, which embodies the qualities of fragrance, mellowness, and beauty. Despite not having any added flower petals, it still exudes a delicate floral fragrance, showcasing the characteristics of lightly fermented tea. With each sip, one can taste the floral aroma, followed by a sweet aftertaste that lingers.
This exceptional tea features a rare honey fragrance. Carefully selected by tea masters from vast tea gardens, the precious tea leaves are partially eaten by small green leafhoppers. Through exquisite craftsmanship, the refreshing natural honey flavor is gently extracted, accompanied by the rich sweetness of semi-fermented tea, while retaining the elegance of the highlands of Luye.
鹿野紅烏龍茶專家一致推薦的好茶|The highly recommended premium tea by experts in Luye Red Oolong Tea
好物認同 Appreciation for quality goods
In 2020, a new generation of young farmers in Luye, Taitung, Taiwan, collaborated with a diverse group of partners including tea farmers, tea factories, tea craftsmen, and tea merchants to jointly establish and operate a venture. Luye Red Oolong Tea, a specialty tea of Luye Township, Taitung, is developed at the Taitung branch of the Tea Research and Extension Station. This red oolong tea is cultivated using non-toxic farming methods and handpicked using the "one heart, two leaves" technique. It undergoes heavy withering and stirring, making it a type of green tea (Oolong tea also falls under the green tea category). Additionally, it incorporates some red tea processing methods and is refined to be caffeine-free and pesticide-free, ensuring high quality.
這款茶質地柔滑,融合了花香、微妙的果味和甜烤麵包的味道,讓人想起溫暖的陽光。 強烈推薦給喜歡大吉嶺茶或錫蘭紅茶作為替代選擇的人。
This tea offers a smooth and silky texture with a combination of floral notes, subtle fruitiness, and a sweet toasted bread flavor, reminiscent of warm sunlight. Highly recommended for those who enjoy Darjeeling tea or Ceylon black tea as an alternative option.
紅烏龍茶合作社強力推薦的經典 A classic highly recommended by the Red Oolong Tea Cooperative
This exceptional tea features a rare honey fragrance. Carefully selected by tea masters from vast tea gardens, the precious tea leaves are partially eaten by small green leafhoppers. Through exquisite craftsmanship, the refreshing natural honey flavor is gently extracted, accompanied by the rich sweetness of semi-fermented tea, while retaining the elegance of the highlands of Luye.
鹿野紅烏龍茶專家一致推薦的好茶|The highly recommended premium tea by experts in Luye Red Oolong Tea
好物認同 Appreciation for quality goods
學習老祖先的飲食方式了! 而生命引領我們將這神奇的天然飲品推廣到全台灣! 我們使用傳統方式釀造,並選用台灣在地茶葉釀製,保留活菌且不使用人工添加,讓好茶發酵,散發好茶本質。
We are learning from our ancestors' dietary practices! And life guides us to promote this miraculous natural beverage throughout Taiwan! We brew it using traditional methods and select locally sourced tea leaves from Taiwan, preserving probiotics and avoiding artificial additives. This allows the tea to ferment and exude its true essence.
好物認同 Appreciation for quality goods
Sen's first classic compote tea, named "North Latitude 23.5," draws inspiration from the latitude of the tea-producing region, and speaks of its flavor profile: reminiscent of tropical fruits, evoking the sensation of lounging on a beach in a tropical island, with a rich, layered, and refreshing aftertaste.
Origin: Meishan, Alishan
Tea Type: Qingxin Oolong
Flavor Profile: Pineapple, passion fruit, citrus, honey
台灣在精釀啤酒 / Craft beer in Taiwan
“當全世界的人都會釀 IPA(印度淡色艾爾啤酒 India Pale Ale),我們釀的跟別人有什麼不一樣?啤酒頭要寫一個台灣在地與精釀啤酒結合的故事。”
啤酒頭的作品,這六年來陸續在奧運賽等級啤酒賽事中取得佳績:世界啤酒杯 (World Beer Cup)、世界啤酒大賽(World Beer Award)、歐洲之星 (European Beer Star)、日本國際啤酒大賽(International Beer Cup)等國際賽事,拿下超過 80 座獎項,為臺灣打開精釀產業能見度。
Beer head
"When everyone in the world can brew IPA (India Pale Ale), what makes ours different? The beer label should tell a story that combines Taiwan's local culture with craft beer."
Over the past six years, Beerhead's creations have achieved remarkable success in prestigious beer competitions such as the World Beer Cup, World Beer Award, European Beer Star, International Beer Cup, and more, winning over 80 awards in total. These accolades have significantly boosted Taiwan's visibility in the craft beer industry.
獎項:2017 新加坡亞洲啤酒大賽 ABA 銅牌
Features: Winter Melon Tea Beer is brewed with Belgian Pale Ale as its base, with winter melon tea sugar replacing Belgian sugar.
Awards: 2017 Asia Beer Awards (ABA) Bronze Medal
獎項:2019 世界啤酒大賽 WBA
Feature: American-style light beer, fermented and matured with beer yeast at low temperatures.
Award: 2019 World Beer Awards (WBA)
好物認同 Appreciation for quality goods
德國進口 /German original imported
The WeR team's passion for imported German beer stems from its overall characteristics: purity, variety, quality, tradition, and representation of festivities.
德國著名的啤酒純度法,稱為 Reinheitsgebot,可追溯到 1516 年。該法規定啤酒只能使用水、大麥麥芽、啤酒花和酵母釀造。 這種純度法則確保了高品質和傳統的釀造方法。
Germany's renowned beer purity law, known as Reinheitsgebot, dates back to 1516. This law mandates that beer can only be brewed using water, malted barley, hops, and yeast. This purity law ensures high quality and traditional brewing methods.
德國啤酒有多種風格,包括淡啤酒、艾爾啤酒、小麥啤酒(Weizenbier)、比爾森啤酒、博克啤酒等。 德國的每個地區都有自己獨特的啤酒風格和釀造傳統。
German beer comes in a wide range of styles, including lagers, ales, wheat beers (Weizenbier), pilsners, bocks, and more. Each region of Germany has its own unique beer styles and brewing traditions. -
德國啤酒以其卓越的品質和工藝而聞名。 德國啤酒廠堅持嚴格的釀造標準,只使用最好的原料來生產最高品質的啤酒。
German beer is known for its exceptional quality and craftsmanship. German breweries adhere to strict brewing standards and use only the finest ingredients to produce the highest quality beer. -
啤酒釀造深植於德國文化和傳統。 許多德國啤酒廠都是家族擁有並世代經營,保留了悠久的釀造技術和配方。
Brewing beer is deeply rooted in German culture and tradition. Many German breweries are family-owned and operated for generations, preserving long-standing brewing techniques and recipes. -
德國以其慕尼黑啤酒節慶祝活動而聞名,這是世界上最大的啤酒節,每年在慕尼黑舉行。 慕尼黑啤酒節期間,來自世界各地的數百萬遊客聚集在一起,享受傳統的德國啤酒、美食和音樂。
Germany is famous for its Oktoberfest celebration, the world's largest beer festival held annually in Munich. During Oktoberfest, millions of visitors from around the world gather to enjoy traditional German beer, food, and music.
好物認同 Appreciation for quality goods
Reutberg 是一家有數百年歷史的傳統啤酒廠。它始於1618年,在德國上巴伐利亞地區的薩克森卡姆市(Sachsenkam),由安娜·馮·皮恩澤瑙伯爵夫人(Countess Anna von Pienzenau)建造了一座方濟會修女的修道院。1677年,修道院開始少量生產啤酒,後來在一位被稱為"啤酒兄弟"(Brother Beer)的方濟會修士的幫助下進行了改進。拿破崙鎮壓結束後,修道院於1835年恢復了釀造活動。修道院外成立的小酒館確保了穩定的生產,隨後在1906年進行的技術改進和擴建進一步發展了它。然而,第一次世界大戰的爆發和隨之而來的猖獗通貨膨脹給啤酒廠帶來了重大挑戰。1924年,42名成員和教區牧師阿洛伊斯·戴森伯格(Alois Daisenberger)成立了一個合作社,標誌著釀造生產的復興並提供了有利的價值主張。在第二次世界大戰期間,該財團收購了巴特艾布林(Bad Aibling)的Weizen啤酒廠,三年後,又收購了今天位於巴特特爾茨(Bad Tölz)市的Reutberg-Stüberl的房地產,進一步擴大規模並增加了產量。1968年,該啤酒廠涉足軟性飲料生產,促使結構擴張以應對增長。如今,在財團的現任領導下,並在成員和客戶的支持下,Reutberg啤酒廠的數百年傳統繼續被保持下去。
Reutberg is a centuries-old traditional brewery. Originating in 1618 in Sachsenkam, a municipality in the Upper Bavaria region of Germany, Countess Anna von Pienzenau built an abbey for Franciscan nuns.
In 1677, the abbey began producing beer in small quantities, which was later improved with the assistance of a Franciscan monk known as "Brother Beer." Following the end of the Napoleonic suppressions, the monastery resumed brewing activity in 1835. A tavern established outside the monastery ensured steady production, and subsequent technical improvements and expansions in 1906 further developed it.
However, the outbreak of the First World War and the ensuing rampant inflation posed significant challenges for the brewery. In 1924, a cooperative was formed by 42 members and the parish priest Alois Daisenberger, marking a revival for brewing production and offering a favorable value proposition. During the Second World War, the consortium acquired the Weizen brewery in Bad Aibling, and three years later, it acquired the real estate of what is now the Reutberg-Stüberl in the municipality of Bad Tölz, leading to further expansion and increased production.
In 1968, the brewery ventured into soft drink production, prompting structural expansions to accommodate growth. Today, under the current leadership of the consortium, and with the support of its members and customers, the centuries-old tradition of the Reutberg brewery continues to be upheld.
Radler 的發明者是 1920 年代一位名叫 Franz Kugler 的德國旅館老闆。 故事是這樣的,一大群騎自行車穿過巴伐利亞鄉村到達他的小酒館,他們疲憊不堪,口乾舌燥,想喝啤酒。 弗朗茲意識到自己無法滿足群眾的需求,因此需要一個快速的解決方案。 為了增加啤酒供應量,他在小桶中添加了起泡檸檬水。 弗朗茲將他的飲料創造為“Radler”,德語中的“騎自行車的人”一詞。
The radler owes its creation to a 1920s German innkeeper named Franz Kugler. As the story goes, a large group of cyclists riding through the Bavarian countryside arrived at his tavern, exhausted and parched for beer. Realizing he wouldn't have enough to quench the crowd’s thirst, Franz needed a quick solution. To stretch his beer supply, he added sparkling lemonade to his kegs. Franz coined his drink “Radler,” the German word for “cyclist.” -
"Poculator Doppelbock" 是一種德國啤酒,具體來說是一種雙倍博克啤酒。雙倍博克啤酒是一種強勁的麥芽拉格啤酒,源於德國慕尼黑。它以其豐富而複雜的口味而聞名,通常具有焦糖、太妃糖、深色水果和烤麵包的香氣。
"Poculator Doppelbock" is a type of German beer, specifically a doppelbock. Doppelbock is a strong, malty lager originating from Munich, Germany. It is known for its rich and complex flavors, often featuring notes of caramel, toffee, dark fruit, and toasted bread. -
"Weisse Dunkel" 是一種深色小麥啤酒,通常具有深色的外觀和濃厚的口感。它的風味可能包括焦糖、巧克力和烘烤的麥芽風味,同時保留了小麥啤酒的清新感。
"Weisse Dunkel" is a type of dark wheat beer, typically characterized by its dark appearance and rich mouthfeel. Its flavors may include caramel, chocolate, and roasted malt notes, while still retaining the refreshing qualities of wheat beer. -
"Hefe Weizen" 小麥酵母啤酒又稱德國米酒,是一種有著濁濁的外觀和豐富泡沫的小麥啤酒。它通常有著果香和香蕉味,並且口感較為清爽。 "Hefe" 在德語中意為酵母,指的是這種啤酒中的天然酵母沉澱物,它賦予了啤酒特有的風味和口感。
"Hefe Weizen," also known as German wheat beer or "Weissbier," is a type of wheat beer with a cloudy appearance and a rich foam head. It often features fruity and banana flavors, with a refreshing mouthfeel. "Hefe" in German means yeast, referring to the natural yeast sediment in the beer that imparts its distinctive flavors and textures.