We ® Room For Life /Daily Life
匯集 Karimoku 工匠和精選國際設計師團隊
在家具設計領域,日本的精湛工藝和荷蘭的獨特設計風格相遇,帶來了全新的標準。We® 客座家俱的選購來源廣泛,其中包括來自日本木製家具的知名製造商Karimoku旗下的KNS (KARIMOKU NEW STANDARD)。這個品牌的產品線特色在於其現任設計總監 David Glättli 經常邀請國際設計新銳操刀,並結合了 Karimoku 半個多世紀以來各種精湛的木工技術和創新現代科技,展現出極具現代感的木製家具。
其中,這款名為 Colour 的椅子,採用了高強度板屋楓木材製成。這款椅子不僅展現了日本工藝的最高水準,還融合了荷蘭設計師 Stefan Scholten 和 Carole Baijings 的簡約風格和平衡色彩運用。椅子的特點在於其細緻的製作工藝。座椅底部與腿部之間的接縫處精心製造,確保了椅子的穩固性和舒適性,給人觸摸時的圓潤手感和臀部的穩定支撐。椅面經過工匠手藝打磨,去除了多餘的色漆,僅在凹槽內部保留色彩,形成了獨特的網格狀線條美。
設計師 Stefan Scholten 和 Carole Baijings 以其簡約的形式和平衡的色彩運用享譽世界。他們將傳統工藝和工業生產結合,創造出獨具一格的設計風格,贏得了國際設計界的高度讚賞。他們的作品被世界各地的收藏家和展覽館收藏和展出,彰顯了其卓越的設計才華和影響力。這樣的融合和創新為家具設計帶來了全新的標準,值得我們期待更多類似的嶄新作品。
In the realm of furniture design, the convergence of Japanese craftsmanship and the distinctive design style of the Netherlands has introduced a fresh paradigm. We® Guest Furniture sources a wide range of selections, including the renowned manufacturer Karimoku's KNS (KARIMOKU NEW STANDARD) line of wooden furniture from Japan. This brand's hallmark lies in its current design director, David Glättli, frequently collaborating with international design talents, combining Karimoku's decades-long expertise in woodworking with innovative modern technology to showcase highly contemporary wooden furniture.
Among these offerings is the Colour chair, crafted from high-strength Itaya maple wood. This chair not only embodies the highest standards of Japanese craftsmanship but also integrates the minimalist style and balanced color application of Dutch designers Stefan Scholten and Carole Baijings. The chair's hallmark lies in its meticulous craftsmanship. Seams between the seat bottom and legs are carefully constructed to ensure stability and comfort, providing a smooth touch and stable support to the user. The seat surface undergoes artisanal polishing to remove excess paint, leaving colors only within the grooves, creating a unique grid-like aesthetic.
Designers Stefan Scholten and Carole Baijings are renowned worldwide for their minimalist forms and balanced color applications. They merge traditional craftsmanship with industrial production, creating a distinctive design style that has earned high praise in the international design community. Their works are collected and exhibited in galleries worldwide, showcasing their exceptional design talent and influence. Such fusion and innovation set new standards for furniture design, promising more groundbreaking creations to come.
日本官網| https://www.karimoku-newstandard.jp/cn/designers/scholten-baijings/
代客訂購| https://family35.com/product/kns-p345xad-colour-stool/
照片來源| KNS / family 35