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石塚硝子株式會社是日本著名的玻璃製造公司,以其啤酒杯薄度和特殊的離子強化處理聞名,並於2007年榮獲日本Good Design Award年度設計獎。而星崎則是日本知名的製冰品牌,其獨特的製冰方式使冰塊純淨透明,28x28x32mm大小,約22克的角冰,質地堅實、硬度高,融化速度相對較慢,深受人們喜愛。 當這兩者意外相遇時,便產生了驚人的化學反應,將彼此的本質發揮得淋漓盡致。啤酒杯中盛放著晶瑩剔透的寶石,每一口冰都像是在舌尖上跳躍,帶來即刻的清涼感受。這樣的組合是石塚硝子株式會社與星崎冰的奇妙交會,一場意外的邂逅,帶來了無盡的驚喜和樂趣。
ADERIA, a renowned glass manufacturing company in Japan, is celebrated for its thin-blown beer glasses and unique ion-strengthened treatment, recognized with the Good Design Award in 2007. Hoshizaki, on the other hand, is a prominent ice-making brand from Japan, distinguished for its exceptional ice-making technique, crafting pure and transparent ice cubes measuring 28x28x32mm and weighing approximately 22 grams each. These ice cubes possess solidity, high hardness, and a relatively slow melting rate, making them immensely popular.
When these two entities unexpectedly converge, they spark remarkable chemical reactions, unlocking the essence of one another to the fullest. The beer glass becomes a vessel for glistening, translucent jewels, while each nibble of ice offers a delightful sensation akin to a graceful dance on the palate, imparting an instant feeling of refreshment. This fusion epitomizes the enchanting encounter between ADERIA and Hoshizaki Ice, an unforeseen rendezvous brimming with boundless surprises and joy.
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