在充滿設計和工藝交流的世界裡,不同領域的專業人士常常相互交集,激發出無盡的創意火花。最近,我們有幸邀請來自法國的攝影師Seb (Sebastien Veronese)與日本傢俱品牌KARIMOKU NEW STANDARD進行了一場精彩的碰撞。 KARIMOKU NEW STANDARD 一直以其獨特的設計風格和卓越的品質聞名於世。而這次,他們與法國攝影師的合作,為我們帶來了更多的驚喜。以其獨特的視角和拍攝技巧,捕捉到了KARIMOKU NEW STANDARD家具的精髓,將其呈現在鏡頭前,賦予了全新的生命,不僅僅是家具的形態,更是其背後所蘊含的故事和情感。每一張照片都仿佛在述說著KARIMOKU NEW STANDARD的設計理念和品牌精神,將我們帶入了一個個充滿溫暖和靈感的場景中。 這次的邂逅,不僅豐富了KARIMOKU NEW STANDARD的形象,也為Seb (Sebastien Veronese)帶來了更多的創作靈感。相信在這樣的跨界合作下,我們將會看到更多精彩的作品問世,期待著他們帶給我們的更多驚喜和啟發,定將成為設計和藝術領域中的一段美好傳奇。
In the world filled with exchanges of design and craftsmanship, professionals from different fields often intersect, sparking endless creative sparks. Recently, we had the privilege of inviting French photographer Seb (Sebastien Veronese) to collide with the Japanese furniture brand KARIMOKU NEW STANDARD.
KARIMOKU NEW STANDARD has always been renowned for its unique design style and excellent quality. This collaboration with a French photographer brings us even more surprises. With his unique perspective and photography skills, Seb captures the essence of KARIMOKU NEW STANDARD furniture, presenting it in front of the lens with a fresh perspective. It's not just about the form of furniture but also the stories and emotions behind it. Each photograph seems to narrate the design philosophy and brand spirit of KARIMOKU NEW STANDARD, immersing us in scenes full of warmth and inspiration.
This encounter not only enriches the image of KARIMOKU NEW STANDARD but also brings Seb (Sebastien Veronese) more creative inspiration. We believe that under such cross-border collaboration, we will see more exciting works emerge. We look forward to the surprises and inspirations they will bring us, which will undoubtedly become a beautiful legend in the fields of design and art.
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