
創造了We R 是我們人生的驚喜包!在創建思考上將聲音和意義結合在一起的創意文字遊戲,同時代表我們內心"為生活騰出空間",騰出被習慣所忽略的基隆,因為基隆不只是一處地名,更是乘載歷史的榮光之地。

Creating We R is the surprise package of our lives! It's a creative word game that combines sound and meaning in the process of creation, representing our inner belief that "Room for life." We carve out Keelung, often overlooked by habit, because Keelung is not just a place name; it's a land rich with historical significance.

Who are we?

維氏整合有限公司是一家致力於品牌內容的公司,同時也是基隆和平島公園品牌識別系統的主理團隊。我們曾榮獲2019年⾦點設計獎年度最佳設計⼤獎以及2020年新加坡Good Design Mark的殊榮。自2018年至今,我們一直與和平島地質公園營運團隊攜手合作,並加入基隆水巷內協會,共同致力於基隆產業的發展,期間我們深知土地保護和永續發展的重要性,因此在2023年成立了We R,旨在透過餐飲行業的末端供應鏈,將對台灣土地的愛融入其中。

We Branding is a company dedicated to brand content and serves as the principal team behind the branding system of Keelung's Peace Island Park. We have been honored with the Best Design Award at the 2019 Golden Pin Design Award and the Good Design Mark in 2020 from Singapore. Since 2018, we have been working hand in hand with the operational team of Peace Island Geological Park and have also joined the Keelung Waterfront Association, jointly committed to the development of Keelung's industries. Throughout this period, we have deeply understood the importance of land conservation and sustainable development. Hence, in 2023, we established We R with the aim of infusing love for Taiwan's land into the end supply chain of the food and beverage industry.

基隆不只是一處地名, 更是乘載歷史的榮光之地

Keelung is not just a place name,but also a place that carries the glory of history.

基隆不只是一處地名,更是乘載歷史的榮光之地,是台灣第一座現代化的城市,書寫著台灣與世界接軌的起源故事。世代盤旋於天空的黑鳶,見證了基隆不同時期的變遷。四百年前,西班牙人與荷蘭人到來,隨後的開港通商進入世界貿易體系。日治時期的現代化築港工程,伴隨港都觀光的概念誕生,成為流行與前衛的聚合體。戰後蛻變為世界第七大貿易港口,以舶來品與委託行帶動台灣時尚潮流,2024,富藏當代文化底氣的基隆,即將從冬眠甦醒,We ® Room For Life定錨在港口國門廣場,成為從心探索基隆本質的零點,並以永續日常為取向,透過五感,體驗基隆獨有的歷史風華 落實對於台灣土地的愛。

Keelung is not merely a geographical location; it is a place imbued with the glory of history. It stands as Taiwan's first modern city, inscribing the origin story of Taiwan's connection with the world. The black kites circling in the sky through generations have witnessed the changes in Keelung over different periods.

Four hundred years ago, the arrival of the Spanish and Dutch marked the beginning of open port trade, integrating into the global trade system. The modernization of the port during the Japanese colonial period, accompanied by the concept of port tourism, emerged as a blend of populism and avant-garde. Post-war transformation turned it into the world's seventh-largest trading port, driving Taiwan's fashion trends through imported goods and commissioning agents.

In 2024, Keelung, rich in contemporary cultural vitality, is poised to awaken from its dormancy. We® Room For Life will anchor at the Port Gateway Plaza, becoming the epicenter for exploring the essence of Keelung with a focus on sustainable daily life. Through the senses, one can experience Keelung's unique historical splendor, embodying a genuine love for the land of Taiwan.

  • 我們團隊不僅止於打造專屬基隆人的生活場域,更思考如何喚醒在地人對自家城市的愛︑讓外地人一眼愛上︒前身為舊市公車總站的國門廣場,透過Manolo F. Ufer建築師與宋鎮邁的團隊以零點廣場概念重新架構海港城市景觀,象徽基隆自建港以來以水路︑縱貫線鐵路和公路的為出發點︒串起基隆 山︑海︑城的國門廣場是人們上岸的起點,亦是 W e R 讓人們戀愛基隆的原點︒

    Our team goes beyond just creating a living space exclusively for the people of Keelung; we also think about how to awaken locals' love for their own city and make outsiders fall in love with it at first sight. The former Old Market Bus Terminal, now known as Guomen Square, was reconstructed with the concept of a zero-point square by architect Manolo F. Ufer and the team led by Angela Soong, reshaping the urban landscape of the port city. Serving as a symbol of Keelung since its founding as a port city, Guomen Square is the starting point for people to come ashore, and it is also the origin of WeR's mission to make people fall in love with Keelung.

  • 在台灣的選物概念尚未形成前,基隆早已開啟選物的想像。外匯管制的年代,外國商品進⼝困難,台灣人藉由基隆的舶來品接觸到世界好物,是選物文化的初始,現今卻不再予人如此想像。We®「Room For Life」復刻基隆的舶來品選物文化,將世界好物引入台灣、台灣好物走向世界,重建基隆品味的認同與共同想像。

    Before the concept of selective shopping took root in Taiwan, Keelung had already sparked imaginations with its selection of goods. During the era of foreign exchange controls, importing foreign goods was difficult, but people in Taiwan were able to access quality products from around the world through the exotic goods in Keelung. This marked the beginning of the selective shopping culture, although it is no longer imagined in the same way today. We® Room For Life revives Keelung's culture of selecting imported goods, bringing world-class products into Taiwan and showcasing Taiwanese products to the world, thus reconstructing Keelung's identity and shared imagination of taste.

  • "這個蠻有趣的喔!"我們希望每個踏入We®「Room For Life」的人,都能產生這樣的想法。有趣的事物總是能消弭人與人之間的隔閡,聚起人心,激盪共鳴,橫越大幅的時間與空間跨度,永續人心的連結。We ® Room For Life是裝載有趣人事物的空間,持續提供驚喜與感動,從此刻到未來的每一刻。

    "This is quite interesting!" We hope that everyone who steps into We® Room For Life can have such thoughts. Interesting things have the power to bridge gaps between people, bring hearts together, spark resonance, and transcend vast spans of time and space, creating a sustainable connection among people's hearts. We® Room For Life is a space filled with interesting things, continuously providing surprises and inspiration, from this moment to every moment in the future.

  • 黑鳶與基隆之間的共生關係是一個令人著迷的現象。 至少150年來,基隆港記錄了黑鳶的覓食習性,外木山(Waimushan)、仙洞巖(Fairy Cave)一直到東岸的和平島(Heping Island)、紅淡山(Mt.Hongdan)、八斗子(Badouzi)等地的懸崖峭壁 加工後的漁獲物和有機廢物吸引了黑鳶,與人類形成了共生關係。 如今,它們不僅成為撫慰人類靈魂的催化劑,也體現了人與自然連結的永續系統。 它們是We®「Room For Life」的靈感來源,激發了保護、農民和零售終端的三贏模式。 該倡議致力於永續生態農業(漁業)和農業(漁業)教育,並積極支持採購無毒耕作方式。

    The symbiotic relationship between black kites and Keelung is a fascinating phenomenon. For at least 150 years, Keelung Harbor has recorded the foraging habits of black kites, from places like Outer Moushan, Fairy Cave, to the cliffs on the east coast such as Heping Island, Mt. Hongdan, and Badouzi. Processed fishery products and organic waste attract black kites, forming a symbiotic relationship with humans. Today, they serve not only as a catalyst to soothe the human soul but also embody a sustainable system of connection between humans and nature. They are the inspiration behind WeR's "Room For Life," inspiring a triple-win model for conservation, farmers, and retail terminals. This initiative is committed to sustainable ecological agriculture (fisheries) and agricultural (fisheries) education, and actively supports the procurement of non-toxic farming methods.